Wednesday, December 11, 2019

How Do I Know If I'm Saved?


Salvation does not come from earth water being dumped on you by another human. Only Jesus, the Holy Spirit will baptize us with the living waters by extinguishing our inflammatory desire for sin. He anoints us with Holy oil and Holy fire that we will live through Him, hopefully to the point where we are compassionately on fire for Him by serving Him, sharing our testimonies, and sharing the gospel, never hiding our faith. Although we do not see the big picture, His light is ignited within us, showing us the way, the truth, and the life as we grow in Him on the narrow path.

Does Jesus literally light our skin on fire? No. Baptism is spiritual, not physical. Does Jesus literally dump water on us? No baptismal emerging is spiritual, not physical. Does Jesus literally circumcise our heart? No, it's spiritual, not physical. Jesus told the Samaritan at the well to come to Him for the Living Water. This is the same water Jesus baptizes us in, spiritual water. Yes, His blood is payment. We eat and drink of Him, we also go to Him for the living waters. We are cleansed in the Living Waters.

Did Jesus go around baptizing people by dunking everyone in earth water?

When Jesus asked John to baptize Him, John was confused, so Jesus said, "This is for God, we do what he asks." Why was it important for John to baptize Jesus in the earth water of the Jordan river, with the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove present above them with the voice of God saying, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."?

It all ties together with Peter walking on water. Being filled with the Holy Spirit who will clean us and bring us up and above the water, rather than drowning in our iniquities. Jesus explained this to me in a dream after I asked Him to come into me.

It's like when we get out of the water at the beach, we bask in the sun with oils on our skin. But in this case we bask in the light of Jesus with the spiritual anointing oils of the Holy Spirit, which then we are on fire for Jesus, similar to the parable of the 10 virgins. Then when we arrive in heaven we are clothed in the robe of righteousness, kind of like when we put on a robe after getting out of the water.

If we cling to the heavy bags of sin that weigh us down, and if we assume we are smooth sailing through life without God, then at some point our vessel body will sink and drown from the weight of sin. If we hold onto our sins and don't come up for heir into the kingdom, we will fall into the lava cracks beneath the waters and suffocate in hell with no water whatsoever.

When I asked for Jesus to come into me back in 2020, I dreamed that I was the Holy Spirit dove flying over the Columbia River. Then I turned back into myself and was standing on the water. When God sent the Holy Spirit in the form of the dove as John baptized Jesus, that act of God was a representation of the dream I had of the Holy Spirit in me and I in the Holy Spirit, rising above the world as in Romans 12:2, able to walk on water, seeing the black rocks of sin and the fool's gold in the water beneath my feet.

Jesus told His disciples to baptize the nations in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 

Matthew 28:19-20

19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

When Jesus says in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, it is to teach the nations to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. God commanded that Jesus be baptized by John. I observe myself in the form of the dove, above water, finally rising above the emersion stage of baptism, which is spiritual. 

If John cannot be entirely sure of the meanings of why he baptized Jesus, only for the Holy Spirit to give that knowledge to someone like me 2000 years later, then yes, Gods story is never ending. Imagine what will happen for us in eternal living, we cannot even fathom God's never-ending story.

Then Troy Black did a prophecy that God commanded I understand via the Holy Spirit. God sometimes gives us only parts of the picture, until His perfect timing gives us major parts via other people like Troy Black. You can read about that prophecy at this link at the bottom of that links page...

We are either spiritual children of God or spiritual children of the devil. In order to enter the kingdom of heaven we must become like little children. I am not a woman of God, my husband is not a man of God, we are children of God.

Jesus said that when we come to heaven we will be like the angels, which although angels have a male form, their spirit is both nurturing and protective, like a male and female as combined.

If humans were used cars, Jesus would pay for us with His crucifixion and then clean us in the Living Waters, which in my experience you can breathe under those waters and walk on that water, and then He'd keep our spiritual gears running smoothly with the Holy Oils that are ignited with His light within our spiritual receptor, the pineal, which God created and put into our brains in order to hear Him, dream dreams, see visions, prophecy, heal, speak in tongues and much more.

When Jesus told Nicodemus that one 'must' be born of water and spirit, the word 'must' is a choice. The water Jesus is speaking of is the Living Water. Jesus did not say we 'will' be born of water and spirit. Water and flesh are not the same. Flesh is flesh, spirit is spirit. We will inevitably be born of flesh, and we can only be born of the living waters and spirit by choice; hence the word 'must'. Like saying, "You must pass the exam to become a pilot, or you must take these herbs to get healthy." It's a choice. 

You are either saved or you're not, which for some may be hard to know for sure. This is why Jesus is our DAILY bread, not our sometimes bread or just for a season bread. Metaphorically 'baby' Christians are on their way to being saved if they do their upkeep and follow the orders of Christ in PERSONAL relationship with Him. The parable of the seed shows us that some who look as though they are Christians, they may fall away from the faith, which is done by choice of that person. God does not choose for them. God gave us free will.

Mature Christians, who've been fully sanctified and born again are saved. This can be a short process or a long process, because we are all unique in our learning process. For me it was a 24-year process, which is why I hope it will be faster for those of you who're absorbing these blogs. But then again, Jesus is the orchestrator, He knows us better then we know ourselves and how long it will take for the unique individual to come to the realization of being saved. This is why we must test ourselves on whether we are saved or not.

In my walk with Christ, before I was fully born again, He made me do things that I did not understand, which I grumbled at and was like, "Do I really have to make a storybook for the reconciliation of Nick and Aaron Carter on my computer?" Yes, I had to do these things in order for practice and learning on how to eventually make these salty, flavorful blogs to bring people to Christ. 

Our walk with Christ is personal in how Christ will have us approach unbelievers with the gospel. Jesus is the creator, so He also wants us to be creative when it comes to sharing the gospel, because we are a people of many colors and flavors. Some like bland and mild, others like bitter, some like sweet, some like stinky cheese and some like red hot jalapenos.

For example, my husband speaks in parables. This is one of his parables. Jamie's analogy of getting into heaven goes like this... If I’m a boss at a job, I want to hire people who will do what I tell them to do. They need to be open to submitting to my rules and ways of doing things to get the job done correctly. If that hired hand doesn’t do what I tell him or her to do, they will be fired. If God is the boss, if He created all things, if He has all authority over us puny, whimpy, crap shoot humans, then He will literally fire those into the burn pit who reject Him and His commands. Taking out the spiritual garbage, sad but true.

If there's anything troubling your state of wellbeing, know that you can talk to Jesus in private, with sincerity. But know this, Jesus will answer you on His perfect timing if your will is His, so do not be discouraged and rest in Him with your prayers and supplications. Sometimes we are tested by God during our trials and troubles, so focus on keeping an even keel with patience. Know that God will answer and guide you where He needs you to be, even if it's hard or confusing. 

I and my husband have never been baptized in earth water. He and I are both on disability. We are reclusive hermit home bodies who watch youtubers who preach the true gospel.

If a person like the man in the video below could not be physically baptized in earth water, even though they get spiritually born again after they were put in this device, would God be displeased? No. God will not allow people to put themselves in physical danger just to be baptized in earth water. 

You have to take these things into consideration and use logic. If a bed ridden person who gets sponge baths get spiritually born again, must we demand they be submerged in earth water? No. Must we demand they have a bucket of water poured on them? No. Same with people who can't make it to a church building, especially if the churches in their town suck bricks.

Here are some more videos on Baptism.

What does Jesus mean by telling His disciples to go out and baptize all the nations in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost? For me, it means being initiated. But as I said, actual earth water doesn't clean us of sin. Of those who have been baptized in water by other humans, who then leave the faith, are they still saved by that water? 

There is a reason for Jesus to speak of water baptism, walking on water, and when He says to come to Him for the Living Waters. We are either deep with the hidden meanings of all the mentions of water in the bible or we're without understanding. This is why we come to Jesus for the living waters of eternal life and for answers that only He can answer. It boils down to this, do you want the eternal joys and splendors of the living and life-giving waters, or do you want eternal dryness and fire without any water at all?

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How Do I Know If I'm Saved? WHAT IS TRUE BAPTISM? Salvation does not come from earth water being dumped on you by another human. Only J...